About the author

I (William Bedford) am an anthropologist and professional archaeologist, public speaker and soon to be author. I am also the lucky father of two lovely daughters and husband to an incredibly talented nutritionist (see her blog, the boo the bear and the goji berries and see for yourself!).

I cut my archaeological teeth in the jungles of Belize, where I studied Maya archaeology and ethnography. I also have many years experience in project and contract management, marketing and heritage consultancy. For more information please feel free to see my linked in profile.

I am also a pretty competent maker of sauerkraut and other fermented delights, please visit my blog, Culture THIS! if you are interested.

We have spent the last few years improving our diets and eliminating as much processed and non-organic food and non-wild animal products as we can! Recently we have been further considering the implications and ethics of consuming animal products which has lead me to start this blog and explore this topic.